Wednesday, January 13, 2010


For those who doubt it this picture proves that there's at least on hill in IN. :)

We drove down to Morgan-Monroe State Forest yesterday (1/12/10) just to get out. The sun was shining (at least once in a while) so we thought it would be pretty and it was. There were places down there that I would have liked to have gone to but was afraid to try in in a car. However, we did see some pretty scenery and took a couple hikes (boy am I out of shape).


George said...

I know that hills get harder to find in Indiana when you get north of Indianapolis. But I'm glad you were able to get out yesterday and find this hill!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful pictures of Morgan-Monroe State Forest, Neal... I laughed at you showing off your Indiana HILL...

Did you enjoy a picnic at that picnic table while there???? ha ha

Rose said...

That last shot is fabulous! Try it it in black and white if you haven't already!

Carletta said...

These are lovely!
I'm starting to miss my snow. There's still some on the ground but it's supposed to rain today so it will be gone. But hey, it's still winter and more chances will come.

Phil said...

Wow its so amazing to see snow. It is 43 degrees Celsius here in Australia today.

Unknown said...

Lovely winter photos!