Saturday, July 25, 2009

Wide open spaces

These pictures were taken somewhere in Colorado. I can't remember exactly where but I know it was CO. I just love the wide open country out west.


Rose said...

It would be so hard to go out there and come back home...I totally love that last shot.

George said...

Neal, this pictures of the wide open spaces of Colorado make me want to pack up and go. The scenery is absolutely fantastic.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Neal, I love those wide-open spaces also and that gorgeous blue sky. As George said, I'm ready to go!!!!

Have a great weekend.

Carletta said...

I still have to make a trip west someday! ;)


Tina said...

You are so right...these are breath taking pictures of wide open spaces..such great terrain! neat!!

Unknown said...

Amazing scenery. I've never been out west. I love the Dixie Chick's song by that title "Wide Open Spaces".

sylvia murphy said...


I can't help you either even though I have blogged a good bit of the Front Range of Colorado.

Your other scenery is very nice too!
