Monday, July 13, 2009

Glacier National Park

Water along Going To The Sun road


Appekunny Falls

These pictures are from Glacier National Park in Montana. Glacier National Park has a sister park in Canada called Waterton Lakes National Park. Both parks are beautiful parks and well worth visiting.


EG CameraGirl said...

The waterfalls are magnificent. I've never sen beargrass before! Is it really a grass? Whatever - its lovely!

George said...

These are great pictures, Neal. I've never seen beargrass, either. I really like your waterfalls -- we're going to have to get out there to see them in person.

Anonymous said...

Glacier NP is one place I've really wanted to visit - I drop in on several web cams from time to time in that area & it's always soooo gorgeous! Great shots, Neal!

Happy Monday!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

WOW Neal.. First snow pictures and then waterfalls.... Next you need to show me some incredible bird pictures!!!! ha

Thanks for showing Appekunny Falls. It's amazingly gorgeous.


Carletta said...

You certain captured the flow of water in that first one Neal!
Wonderful shots!
I've never heard of beargrass either.

Rose said...

I love that beargrass...did not know what it looked like.

Ashley said...

Great pictures. I love the waterfall in the first picture. The water looks beautiful!