The blue heron pictures above are from Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge. There were a lot of them out in the marshes but they were skittish so it was hard to get a good picture. I took these out the car window because if you got out to look they took off.
Neal, these are GREAT captures!
Even from the car, you got some great shots of the heron, Neal.
Hope you all have a wonderful 4th.
I have to echo Betsy - great shots to be from your car.
It was good to see you at my place today. :)
Hope you're having a great weekend.
Neal, these are wonderful captures. I'm glad you stayed in the car so you could get them.
What neat photos and you took them out of your car window!! Pretty neat bird..they get so big and I love to see them take off or land!! ;-0
he's walkin on water! very cool shots
Excellent shot Neal... I find that birds are far more trusting of cars and such like.
When I go to the feeders a few of us help to keep full and maintain... I always stay in my land rover.... I will take the door tops off (weather permitting)set the camera up, pour myself a drink and await the birds... as long as I'm in the vehical the birds will come very close... some like the Robins, and Chaffinch will feed right next to the Land Rover
Neal: I really do love this big bird. They are so photographic.
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