Thursday, June 11, 2009

More animals



These are a couple more shots that I got when visiting Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge. One is a blue heron and the other is a deer standing in the marsh eating. My daughter, along with a couple other girls, have been wading the marshes and measuring the depth and taking a GPS reading to mark the spot. They have also been wading the marshes and searching for copperbelly water snakes. When the find one they catch it so it can be tagged and other vital statistics like weight, length, etc can be measured.
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George said...

Your daughter is quite an adventurer -- looking for and catching snakes in a marsh. I don't think I'd go for that job. You got good pictures from the scene, however.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh how I would have loved to be your daughter's age ---and getting a job like that. I always said that I'd love to be a Forest Ranger.. Working in nature like that has to be fabulous.

Anonymous said...

They're much MUCH braver than I!

Carletta said...

Graat shots and I agree - she has way more guts than I to be out in that water!
I see you taught her well. :)

Evil Pixie said...

Fantastic shots. I especially appreciate the one with the deer. While you can't make out the deer very well, the foreground is amazing.