Sunday, April 26, 2009

Old school house




This is the old school house where Rose and I (along with my other siblings) went to grade school. I believe that Rose was the last class to go there. There were 2 grades in each room with outhouses down the hill. They did not serve any lunches so you had to either take your lunch or order from a little restaurant that was across the highway that ran in front of the school. The rooms were heated with a stove where you burned either wood or coal. Of course there was no AC and I can't remember ever thinking anything about it being hot. Of course back then we always started to school after Labor Day and got out in early May. We sure didn't get all the breaks they get now. I can remember getting off at Christmas and that's about it.
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Betsy Banks Adams said...

Was it sad for you seeing the old school, Neal???? I'll bet your did your math on that blackboard (or chalkboard) at one time... Ya think?????

I love (and hate) to revisit things from my past which are now gone or in disrepair. In fact, the old schools where I went until my Senior year are now totally gone with a shopping center in their place. How sad is that!!!!

I was the 'first' graduating class in the new Powell Valley High School. Two schools went together to make up PV. I hated it --and never felt as if that school was MINE. We didn't 'bond' with the East Stone Gap students that year either. It was a hard year.

Thaks for the memories.

George said...

How neat that you found your old school building. I don't remember as many breaks in the school year either. Nowadays it seems as if the kids are out more than they are in school!

Rose said...

I honestly wonder would I have recognized the inside if you had just set me down in it...sure don't look the same.

Anonymous said...

WoW! That must have been some trip down memory lane. No AC? Kids would die these days w/o it! I wonder how it's still standing, we had a few old 2 room schools here, but they're long gone now. Someone should buy the property & remodel the place as their home - I've always wanted to do that.

Tom said...

What memories Neal and of course you to Rose...
My old school is now a care home for the elderly.... ha! I might end up back there yet.. :O)

Tina said...

I think its neat to re-visit places that bring back memories of your childhood. Like Betsy said you must have looked at that chalkboard and remembered standing there at one time..or another. There are always good memories..even if the place is looking run moves on..but the memories can make you smile.