Wednesday, March 25, 2009


These were taken somewhere in Montana. I sincerely wish you could capture the beauty with a camera. I have always loved the west and this trip was no exception.


Rose said...

I sure am afraid if I went out there, I would not want to come home.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

We haven't visited much out west, Neal. One of these days---we hope to get there. Beautiful photos.

Carletta said...

All those roads and all that barren land - lots to explore and enjoy!

And, you remarked today I had too much time on my hands - what you don't know is that blogging keeps me out of trouble. LOL!

George said...

I think you did a good job of capturing the beauty of Montana with these pictures. I look forward to seeing some more.

Carletta said...

Just stopped by. :)