I happened to run upon this and thought it was interesting. While I don't mind driving on roads with sharp turns and high banks I don't think I would ever want to drive the "Road of Death" in Bolivia unless you could guarantee me that I would not meet any oncoming traffic. I've driven up go Pikes Peak more than once and always really enjoyed it so it's not like I'm afraid of height. If you don't like to drive up there you can always take the cog railway. I've also driven up to Mt. Evans more than one time. It's supposedly the highest paved road in the world.
Remember how it used to be going over Clinch Mountain? I would give anything to have pictures of that road the way it used to be.
We have a few small turs and bends with drops at one side but nothing like these... I would still get some kind of rush from driving these... maybe a bit slower than normal I might add..
Alone to see it gives sicknesses. But the image is precious.
A great shot.
Well that is scary looking for sure!
My grandparents took me to Colorado in 1984 and we visited Pike Peak and took the cog up! SOOO COOOL!!!
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