Sunday, May 25, 2008

South end of a north bound horse

Notice that the plow standing up has 4 feet and the one laying down has only 3 feet. The plow with 4 feet was used in wider rows and 3 foot plow was used in rows that were not as wide. The plow in the background is an old turning plow I believe. It was used to plow up the field in the spring to get it ready for planting.

When I was a kid (starting at around 13) I spent many days plowing our crops. The old plow above is one of the plows that we used back then. The harness picture above is for our horse called Bob. He probably kept us from starving to death because we used him to do a lot of things. You could see our house from some of the fields that I plowed. Ol' Bob would walk real fast when going toward the house but when you got to the end of a row and turned him around and started back the other way he would plod along real slow. He lived to be over 30 years old. I was gone from home when he died but my sister Rose was still home and I'm sure she cried because he was like a part of our family.


Tom said...

These pictures must hold such memories to you.. I always look forward to topping by here.. and to your Roses blog.

EG CameraGirl said...

Funny story about ob moving fast towards home but slow walking away from it. He must have been fun horse if you and Rose cared about him so much.

Carletta said...

My Dad used a plow like that for years and one day finally bought a tiller and still used that little plow!
Thanks for memories today Neal.

Rose said...

Did you take these pictures and when? I feel like they take me back about a hundred years...and I am only 52!