This is the final section of the Skagway to Carcross to Skagway pictures. As you can tell I really, really enjoyed this drive. Some of the pictures may look like repeats of previous pictures (Tormented Valley) but they aren't. I stopped there both going and coming because it was such a beautiful area. On the way back we saw another bear. Notice how black he is compared to the other bear even though the other bear was a black bear also. One thing I forgot to mentioned in my first post about this trip is that we were just out of Skagway and I was just getting up to speed when a bear ran across the road in front of me and I had to slam on my brakes. When we got back to Skagway I took a little side road to get a view of Skagway. It's not a good view but you get the general idea of how it looks.
Added waterfall at bottom to satisfy Betsy. :)
Where's my waterfall??????? har har har
Emerald Lake is gorgeous.... Appropriate name, huh???
Sand dunes????? Holy Cow--who would have 'thunk' it?????
Have a great weekend, Neal.
Wow---that's service with??? a smile, huh???? Thanks for the waterfall.... Gorgeous!!!!!! Everytime I see a waterfall, I'm READY to head to Alaska!!!!
I would not have imagined this area to be so beautiful.Thanks for allowing me to tag along,virtually.
It's easy to see how Emerald Lake got its name. It's beautiful. I can't get over the majesty surrounding Tormented Valley. I'm sorry Betsy gave you a hard time about a waterfall, but I'm glad you added this one. It's gorgeous.
Are you sure you don't want to move up there? I almost think it would be worth putting up with the winters for this!
Rose does realize you wouldn't see anything in winter but the white stuff that you don't like doesn't she? :)
But, a summer home for you so we all could come visit would be nice. Just sayin'!
Beautiful shots!
Love the waterfall!
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