Thursday, November 13, 2008


I don't how many of you have been to Yellowstone National Park but if you haven't you have missed one of the most beautiful places in the US. These shots of the falls don't do them justice but it's the best I could do. There are so many diverse environments to see....all the way from the falls to canyons to large meadows.


Rose said...

These are awesome photos, Neal. I advise everyone to enlarge them though to get their full beauty.

Carletta said...

Rose was right - I enlarged and WOW!
The best you can do - who are you kidding - these are wonderful!!
I'm going to get there someday.

Thanks for the web link - looks like fun.

dot said...

I've never been to Yellowstone and probably never will but I've heard many say how beautiful it is. After seeing this waterfall I'm almost embarrassed to post my pictures of some of the water falls around here.

Anonymous said...

absolutely gorgeous! i just visited another yellowstone blog & like I said there, i HIGHLY recommend visiting there - these photos are very nice and i love the clarity here, but pictures just don't do this place justice! you have to see, hear, & smell (which isn't always that nice smelling) to get the full impact!!!

bettygram said...

Beautiful photos. I enlarged them. I was to Yellowstone Park many years ago and I remember at very beautiful.

Julie said...

I must have taken 100 shots of that waterfall and none turned out as well as yours. beautiful. I wish I was back there.

Lilli & Nevada said...

You captured some great photos here, we went 2 yrs ago but it was so cold that we didn't get to see too many things