This is the little 4 room school that both Rose and I attended from the first to 8th grade many moons ago. There were two grades in each room so a teacher had to teach two grades and back then they could correct you (in other words, put a paddle put on your butt). I knew if I got in trouble at school I was going to be in more trouble at home. It's amazing how times have changed....for the worse in a lot of cases IMO. I just about always had a knife in my pocket when I went to school and so did a lot of other boys. I think I could have taken a gun to school to show my buddies and nothing would have been said and now you can't even get close to school with a gun or knife.
If you look at the view from front you can see a little blue building at the end of the driveway. That was restaurant when we were in school. Rose and I just about always took our lunch but once in a great while we would get to order lunch from that restaurant and that was something special. The road that went in front of the school house was a main road. When we played softball at recess our goal was to hit one across that road. You can also see on the right of the front view picture where basketball goals used to be (paved area). When I went there that area was just dirt and we'd play marbles at recess and lunch. I was pretty good at that if I say so myself. I normally came away with more marbles that I took.
I'll bet from looking at the inside picture that the tile is probably asbestos but that's just a guess. Of course back then they didn't know asbestos was a problem.
The outhouses were down the hill to the left when looking at the front of the building. Ahh..... the good old days. :)
Neat post Neal. Driving down old roads I see buildings or homes that you just know were once school houses. They all seem to be built alike. I love catching glimpses of them and imaging those 'good ole days.'
I'd bet asbestos too.
BTW - shame on you for throwing rocks at the trains. ;)
Do you remember all the big limestone rocks around out back, and there were one or two out front and to the right side when you come out of the school house. I remember loving the ones out back when I was in first and second grade. They were in our play area.
And we had great Easter egg hunts! I think just the first 4 grades had the egg hunts and some of the older children hid the eggs. There was lots of room, and Harmon's would let us hide eggs in the field behind the school also.
I think a lot was lost when we went to consolidated schools. When we were in school, our teachers really knew us. They knew what to expect from each of us, not that there were any of us really bad.
Those were the good old days for sure. I'm so glad I was able to enjoy the freedom we had back then. Hey, I used to play marbles too but I'm sure you could have beat me!
Great trip down memory lane. Very interesting read also great pics.
Thanks for visiting my blog and your kind comments.
Great post Neal
I echo your thoughts about the past my friend.... I can remember also I would only turn in shool at one time to do Woodwork and Art... I often turned up with a rifle in it case and my dog.. A knife would of course been on my belt.
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