Monday, November 12, 2012

Glacier to Waterton

After Glacier we headed to Waterton Lakes National Park (Canadian version of Glacier) in Canada.
 The shots above and below were taken along the way to Waterton.  I just thought it was kind of a unique rock.

 While we were in Waterton we took a boat tour back down to the northern part of Glacier. The hotel above sat at the head of the lake.

 This is the border between the US and Canada....about half way down the lake.

 When we docked at the end of the lake we got off the boat, showed our passports to US customs agents and took a hike.  At the end of the hike we could see the lake where we had just been.  It was really very beautiful.

When we were getting back to our departure point I got a more head on shot of the hotel.  I must say it was very beautiful sitting up there majestically overlooking the lake.


Ruth Hiebert said...

Oh wow! The scenery is stunning.Now if only i could afford a stay at that hotel,but that will likely only happen in my dreams.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Wow----great photos and what a gorgeous place... That hotel is beautiful..... AND--I'd love the boat ride and that hike. What great views from your hike!!!!!

Thanks for sharing.

George said...

This is a beautiful place for a hike! I hope we get there someday soon. Your photos are wonderful.

Carletta said...

The scenery is majestic!
I can only imagine the cost of a room in that hote. That view would be well worth it. So beautiful!

BTW: I just smile sweetly and talk softly and those birds are more than happy to pose for me. LOL!

Rose said...

It would almost be a privilege to work at that hotel! It is beautiful in a beautiful area.