Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Glacier Girl

These are pictures of a P-38 that was recovery from Greenland and was under 268 feet of ice. The reason I have pictures is that a man from the area where Rose and I grew up financed the recovery and rebuilding of the plane so every time I was down to visit my brothers I would go to see how much progress they had made in rebuilding it. It took several years to rebuild it so I got to see it many times. The sad part is that it was sold to a group in Texas after the owner died. The story of it's recovery and rebuilding has been on the History Channel several times. If you want to read more about it click here.


Carletta said...

Awesome Neal!
I'll have to check out your link tomorrow as it's way late tonight.
I like what they used to rope it off - cool idea.

Tina said...

Wow you got to see her being put back together! My husband and I are followers of Glacier Girl. We've seen her several times as we travel to full-scale air shows all summer. Never saw her fly, she came to Fredrick Maryland for show but Steve Hinton, pilot, had to return to Ca. for emergency and didn't fly during the show. We like warbirds, father was test pilot of F4U corsair and husband is builder of giant scale models...crazy I know.
Cool pictures..glad to got to see her, what a story she has to tell! if you are
he draws his own plans and builds from scratch..rare birds, wing span over 80" to be considered giant scale. oops definitely took up too much of your space here. sorry.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely Great that she was saved!

nina at Nature Remains. said...

Sorry it's taken me a while to get back to you. This season has brought our family an unexpected sadness--much to do away from home and apart from my blog.

But I noticed you comment about plans for Olympic Nat. Park.
My one comment to you :
You must go there.

I have seen many of our Natioanl Parks and have traveled outside the country as well--nothing compares.

I have many more images and narratives of our time there, in addition to that separate posting, at my site--on the sidebar.
They're spectacular--a reflection of the place, more than the photographer!!

Nina at Nature Remains

George said...

I remember reading about this plane when it was discovered and recovered. Thanks for the pictures.