Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I guess I'll never understand animals. As you can see from the above pictures our little dog decides to sleep in the middle of a bunch of stuff when she has a whole room that is a lot less crowded. My wife is teaching a Bible study on Revelations so her Bible and notes are laying there along with some other books and our dog decides that's the best place to take a nap. Doesn't she look comfortable? :)


George said...

Neal, maybe your dog knew you would take her picture and post it on the net if she slept there! Or perhaps she just likes your company.
Have a Happy New Year!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Ha Neal---what are you thinking???? Your dog is trying to learn more about Revelations... How else can he 'ingest' that information?????

Happy 2009... Glad to have met a new bloggy friend.. Hopefully we can all meet personally in 09.

Tina said...

yea, trying to figure out one's animals..a full time job! Cute pics! love you title with the ??

Anonymous said...

She looks like a glob of hair in the middle of the floor! hehehehe
It's good that she feels comfortable enough to sleep there though!!!

Rose said...

She wants to just be near something Patty has touched.

Carletta said...

Cute little ball of fur you got there! :)

Happy New Year!