Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Point Park

These picture are from Point Park in Chattanooga. It was beautiful in the area but as you can see from the picture is looked like there was a lot of pollution in the air.


Rose said...

I like that stonework!

Carletta said...

Love the massive stone towers!
Up there on that hillside did you hear a Chattanooga Choo Choo?
(I have to be amusing once in awhile.) :)

Gretchen said...

How sad that such a gorgeous area has to be poisoned like that. :(

D Herrod said...

Love the stonework for the entry.

dot said...

I've been to Chickamuga but I don't remember a Point Park. Is it the same? It doesn't look like the place I went to. We are only about 100 miles from Chattanooga.

Louise said...

Love this! I spent a year of college near Chattanooga and don't remember this place at all. Wonder why I never went there...