Monday, September 29, 2008

Ketchikan, AK

I thought the buildings were interesting in Ketchikan. Seems like most have metal roofs. I have no idea why that is unless it's weather related.


Rose said...

Did they all have boardwalks or were some of them regular sidewalks? Also looks like the street in front of the top one has streaks in it--had it been done in sections or what?

Carletta said...

You know each time I come here I long for that trip to Alaska that I've never had. Your images just reinforce what I've always wanted to do.
I'm thinking maybe the snow slides off the metal?
I see Rose is questioning the streets too. They look sectioned and awfully shiny.

Neal said...

I don't remember anything unusual about the street. I think it had sprinkled a little before we got there so the street was wet.

Anonymous said...

The metal roofs serve two purposes. The snow answers is one of them, however the more important reason is the algae that grows like wildfires up on the metal roofs. It takes longer for it to grow up here. The sidewalks are sometimes wooden and sometimes actual concrete. Typically most wooden sidewalks are over water or elevated (since everything built here is on rock that has been blasted to build around). Most of the wooden sidewalks are actually streets (taken care of by the utilites) with street names and LOTS of stairs. Being from down "South" it took me a while to get used to but I fell in love with the place.