Thursday, August 14, 2008

Master of the house

Here's some pictures of the master of the house at out home. :) We tease her all the time. She's such a good little dog.


Carletta said...

She is a cutie!

I should have known you were a pet person too.
I have to tell you, well I don't have to, but I will - :) My little indoor kitty got out last night without us knowing and was gone almost 24 hours. I cried my eyes out. She came around right at dark so all is well. They are just like children.
In my opinion - most pets are master's of the house. Give the little girl a scratch behind the ear for me.

Louise said...

She looks sweet, and oh, so silky!

Rose said...

You're lucky, you just have one master...we have five!

Tom said...

Is she a Maltesse.. my friend as one that rules the roost... it was a rescue dog... and was very timid at first but soon took over... my friend also had a pair of Rotwheller's but this little dog wearing a bright pink coat saying 'cutie' ruled those as well.. Rotwellers have bad press at times but the way they let this dog take over was a pleasure to see... Johns big male Rotty.. died of cancer of the nose last month. A new male puppy from the same parentage is now running around the house.. ha! But the Maltesse is still the boss dog. :O)

sonia a. mascaro said...

She looks adorable! Just lovely photos!