When I was a kid we would find a bumblebee's nest and try to get rid of the nest because it was normally in the barn loft or some other place where we needed to get. Those thing are mean...they'll chase you forever. I can remember them chasing me and I would run into a tobacco patch and hunker down and hope they wouldn't find me. One of the best things to get rid of them was diesel fuel (the EPA would have really liked me:) ). We would put just a little diesel fuel in a sprayer and when we saw one we would spray it and it would drop instantly. The last time I fought them I had just told my brother that "Well, I think we've got them all" and I turned around and there was one buzzing about 2 feet from my head. It was so close that I couldn't get the spray nozzel up to spray it so I just threw it at him and run. Of course, just about every time we fought them we would end up getting a sting or two.
I am glad to say that I have never been stung by one of these.
Great picture and great story... I remember my brothers friend was out with is dog one day and the dog started to dig and bees started to attack.... the dog ended up at the vets and my brothers friend went to the hospital... he been stung many time and was in a great deal of pain.. I'm sure it was bees,but it might have been wasps..
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